Tips to stay motivated and active this spring

(NC) Living an active lifestyle is important for staying healthy all year round. The trick is to find something you enjoy doing. That could be walking around your neighbourhood, following along a YouTube yoga or workout video, or going out for a bike ride – just get moving. 

Activity is important for our mental and physical health, but it can be difficult to find a consistent workout style that’s right for you. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated and active this spring:

Find your groove
Many people find it helpful to start the day with some type of movement. This can be a great way to maintain a routine no matter what time of day you choose to get active.   Walking your dog on lunch break, a virtual class, jumping jacks, skipping, resistance training or at-home weightlifting can all be great ways to find an active groove.

Set up your space
Working out at home can be challenging, especially if you don’t have the space or equipment. But creating an area can be as easy as moving a coffee table out of the way and investing in simple products like skipping ropes, yoga blocks and mats, walking sticks and ankle weights. You can find a great selection of products for your home gym from Decathlon, a Canadian brand found on the marketplace site.

Dress for success
Workout gear not only looks good, but it’s comfortable, which is important during your workout. Take advantage of the athleisure wear trend and throw gym clothes on at every given opportunity.

Create a support system
Consider staying active with someone in your bubble, whether that be a friend, family member, neighbour or a personal trainer who can help motivate you to meet your goals. With a little creativity, finding ways to stay active this spring doesn’t have to be daunting.

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